Within each area of funding, guided by Catholic values, the Foundation supports nonprofit organizations that improve the lives and futures of people and communities in Greater Los Angeles.
Four Areas of Funding
Social Welfare
Social Welfare Funding includes nonprofits that serve those who are vulnerable in our society. Organizations that meet critical needs such as food and shelter, as well as programs that empower, inspire, and provide for the welfare of young people in underserved communities, are encouraged to apply. This funding is also directed towards camperships, mentoring programs, job training for the formerly incarcerated, transitional age youth, trauma victims, volunteer programs reflecting Catholic values, comprehensive community programming, and restorative justice programming. The Foundation strongly supports initiatives to advance economic self-reliance.

Health and Wellness
Health and Wellness Funding includes illness, pregnancy and life, counseling, individuals with disabilities, senior assistance, free and low-cost care, elder care and research. This funding is directed to organizations that assist individuals to lead independent, satisfying lives. Research funding is primarily directed to the work of the Doheny Eye Institute and other causes which were of interest to Mrs. Doheny. Funding of hospitals and convalescent care facilities is an attempt to bring quality care to those who are otherwise underserved.

Education Funding includes support of Los Angeles underserved Catholic elementary schools and scholarship funds for Los Angeles Catholic high schools and Catholic universities in Los Angeles. Adult education, literacy programs, and programs supporting Catholic Education are also funded.

Religious Funding is directed to support the evangelization and mission-based work of the Los Angeles Roman Catholic community, as well as local faith-based organizations inspired and guided by similar gospel values. Grants in this area have been awarded to religious orders, seminaries, projects of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, and retreat centers, as well as chaplain and outreach programs.